This last week we've been unveiling some fantastic smiles at YPD. There is nothing like the look on our clients' faces when they get that first look of their new pearly whites once the braces come off.

Here's another great success story - sorry about the camera work :-) (We never touch up our photos, even if they do need a bit of help!)

Before Ice Braces Before Ice Braces

After Ice Braces After Ice Braces

Last year, this student came to see us about getting his lower bottom teeth straightened - you can see on the photos that there was a lot of crowding. Also, because he's just a young 'un, its a fair bet that it left alone, the situation would just get worse.

Crowded lower teeth Crowded lower teeth

Straight and sorted! Straight and sorted!

So, a year and a bit later, here we are. Straight, no crowding, and fixed in place with the little retainer wires that you can see on the backs of the teeth. No teeth needed to be extracted, just clear, aesthetic braces. If you want to know more about our braces treatments, check out our web page  here.
We've seen the results of not doing anything about crowding like this. Frequently one or more of the little bottom front teeth become so worn that they collapse completely and wear away to nothing. Whilst we can do the repair work if need be, it's often complex, and we reckon prevention is way better than cure here...

We know that there are thousands of people walking round Cumbria with teeth like this...Is this you? What do you think?