By York Place Dental on Wednesday, 06 March 2013
Category: private dentist

10 Things You Need To Know About Dental Implants

At York Place Dental, we see dental implants change lives on a daily basis. Although dental implants are usually the best solution for tooth loss, you should do your research and find out as much as possible about the treatment. Here, we talk about ten things you need to know about dental implants.

10 Important Features Of Dental implant Treatments

Prevent Further Bone Loss
The roots of your natural teeth are securely embedded into the jawbone and provide a support structure that enables your teeth work properly. If you lose one or more teeth, the bone can begin to deteriorate because it no longer serves a purpose. This results in bone loss. At York Place Dental, we use dental implants because of their potential to protect the bone. Dental implants act as an artificial replacement for tooth roots and have exactly the same function. They stimulate the bone, causing it to strengthen and bond with the implant, which means that the loss of bone density associated with treatment options such as dentures no longer occurs.
Protect The Integrity Of Your Facial Structure
When we lose a tooth or teeth, the resulting bone loss and the gaps in your smile can result in some changes to your facial structure. For example, your mouth can develop a sunken, older appearance, speech can be more difficult and even your cheekbones may appear less defined as you compensate by changing how you bite. By protecting the integrity of your jawbone, and helping you to speak and bite properly, dental implants from York Place Dental can preserve your natural appearance.
Dental implants Safeguard Adjacent Teeth
Because dental implants are placed in the site of a lost tooth, it is not necessary to file down or in any way damage healthy neighbouring teeth. At York Place Dental, we believe that dental implants provide the best solution for safeguarding you against later problems caused by decay under a bridge, for example.
Improved Long-Term Prognosis Than Dental Bridges
Dental implants have a better long-term prognosis than any other method of tooth replacement, including bridges. This is because, by bonding to the bone and substituting your natural roots, they can restore the function, strength and appearance of your teeth for many years to come. In fact, if looked after properly dental implants from York Place Dental can last a lifetime.
More Cost Effective Dental Treatment In Long Term
Although dental implants are among the more costly dental treatments initially. However, their long-term benefits and durability mean that you should not need to keep spending money on correcting your teeth. One limitation of bridges, for example, is that, because we have to file down healthy adjacent teeth, they can lead to decay and instability in the future. Similarly, dentures often need to be refitted or remade regularly in response to bone loss. Dental implants at York Place Dental can prove to be a cost effective to restore your smile.
Dental Implants Are As Strong As Your Natural Teeth
Because your jaw bone grafts to your dental implants, the finished prosthetic has the equivalent strength and function to your natural teeth. This means that you can bite into an apple or enjoy a piece of steak with confidence. Dental implants are about as close as we dentists can get to competing with Mother Nature.
Implants Can Be Colour Matched
The artificial tooth (crown) that we fit to your dental implant at York Place Dental can be perfectly colour matched to your natural teeth. This means that no one in Carlisle need ever know that you have dental implants.
Restore Self-Confidence
One of the greatest things about dental implants at York Place Dental is that we have people come to the practice with the most awful cases of tooth loss and leave with a perfectly restored smile. These are people who have forgotten what it’s like to show their teeth to the world without feeling self-conscious, who may have stopped smiling at their loved ones, and have been dealing with constant discomfort or pain. Dental implants not only restore smiles but can give you your confidence back.
Widely Tolerated
Dental implants are widely tolerated with success rates of around 95%. You need to be dentally fit to have dental implants at York Place Dental, which might mean giving up smoking to improve your chances of healing or making minor changes to your lifestyle, but the end result will be worth it.
Not Every Dentist Can Fit Implants
A dentist who specialises in oral surgery should fit dental implants. At York Place Dental, we have extensive experience and credentials when it comes to fitting dental implants. To find out more, you can book a consultation.
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