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Are fixed or removable retainers better?

One of the top reasons that we hear from patients who want braces is that they have had relapse.

That is, they've had their teeth straightened in the past, but for whatever reason their teeth are now no longer straight.

They've either lost their retainers or no retainers were supplied at all.

At York Place Dental, every patient is clear that we will help them to protect their often significant financial investment in tooth straightening by giving them the best possible retainers once their treatment is complete.

A recent new study asked whether a removable retainer like this:

Removable Retainer Removable Retainer

...was likely to be better or worse at keeping your teeth in place than a fixed wire retainer like this:

Fixed wire retainer Fixed wire retainer

The results of this well designed study suggest that each type of retainer seemed to be as good as the other.

The good news is that at York Place Dental we offer both, at no extra charge to you - it's included in the cost of your braces treatment.

The fine, harmless retainer wire is bonded painlessly to your teeth on the day that your braces are removed. Fixed retainers have the big advantage that they are stuck in place and you can't accidentally throw them away or tumble dry them in your trouser pocket.

In addition, we provide you with removable retainers that fit over the top, so that you can have extra confidence that your new smile will last.

If you'd like to talk any of our friendly dental team about your retainers, or any new braces treatment, get in touch here today!

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