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News and updates from York Place Dental, Carlisle

York Place Dental Blog

News and information from the field of dentistry

Dental care in a lockdown: We carry on as before.

Today (Tuesday) we received a large number of phone calls in the wake of Boris' Lockdown announcement from understandably confused patients. Although I have posted about this before I think its worth repeating in case you missed it last time.  Essentially, nothing that we do has changed since we reopened for you on 8th June. We ...
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  5159 Hits
5159 Hits

Tier 4 and your Dental Care

I hope that you are well and wish you abundent health and happiness in 2021.  First, some Thank You's On behalf of the team here at York Place I cannot thank you enough for the good wishes that you have given us, and the patience that you have shown since the end of February 2020. Your loyalty has been amazing and...
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  3404 Hits
3404 Hits

Lockdown and Dental Health

I hope that you are all well and I look forward to seeing you soon. We are open for the duration of lockdown - but you need to read this because things are different… You'll of course be aware of the government's announcement of a further lockdown as of this coming Thursday, and I can assure you that this time we, along with many dental practices w...
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3387 Hits

What happens now?

Here at York Place Dental, we understand that the current situation has been a testing time for everyone, and also that we need to ensure that we are still able to care for you and your dental needs. Although dental practices were always safe places, we have redesigned the way we operate so that we can welcome and care for you whilst complying with...
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2180 Hits

The Return of Hygiene Therapy at York Place Dental

To all of our patients, Before I start: Please have a look at our new practice video showing you what your next appointment will be like as soon as you can - there are big changes and it will make your visit much easier. Link here I hope that you and your families are well. Increasing our service to you You will be aware that York Place Dental...
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3446 Hits

Patient information from YPD - end of week one

Before I start... Please have a look at our new practice video showing you what your next appointment will be like as soon as you can - there are big changes and it will make your visit much easier. Link here Back to work - in a new way Along with an estimated 35% of dental practices in England, I'm delighted to say that York Place Dental opened on...
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2253 Hits

Exciting News

To all our lovely patients Following the surprise, out of the blue announcement by the Government, that we can start to plan the phased return to work on the 8th of June, we have been trying our best to obtain the correct PPE, we've been watching closely the development in the science of new ways of working and keeping abreast of the ever changing ...
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2617 Hits

York Place Dental Reopening

 We're nearly back! I'm sure that you have heard that today dentists have been given the green light to start seeing their patients face to face in their own practices again in England from the 8th June. I am delighted that this is the case and pleased that sense has prevailed. It's worth noting that whilst we have spent time and money plannin...
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2333 Hits

My NHS Good News Story

I've been a bit of a middle-aged twit, and if you don't mind, I'm going to tell you about it so that you don't make the same mistake. I started noticing flashing lights and a few big floaters in my right eye about a month ago. It was during that strange time when we were all beginning to see what was about to hit us but struggling to figu...
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2769 Hits

The FaceTime Dentist

In the space of ten days the world has completely changed. Along with most of the York Place Dental team, I'm now home based and trying not to annoy my family too much whilst we all enjoy all this extra time together. You'll probably know that dental practices have ceased all active treatment because of the significant risk of Covid19 being transmi...
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2390 Hits

Eating Disorders Awareness Week - Bulimia & Oral Health

 Eating disorders awareness week is an international campaign to help fight the myths and misunderstandings about eating disorders. Eating disorders are very complex illnesses, there is no single cause and they can be very serious. The campaign encourages people to get treatment and seek help sooner. People suffering with an eating disorder of...
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2131 Hits

Be mouthaware: The 45 second check that could save your life

 Are you able to recognise the changes in your mouth? That's the question posed by York Place Dental as they support a charity campaign to raise awareness of mouth cancer. York Place Dental, based on Upperby Road in Carlisle, is urging people to be more mouthaware and recognise the early warning signs of mouth cancer, ahead of November's Mouth...
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2034 Hits

Facial Aesthetics (Botox®) at York Place Dental

Believe it or not, my dream as a child was to become a plastic surgeon! Facial aesthetics seemed like a natural progression for my career after training to be a Dental Hygienist. It makes me feel great to give clients that little boost in confidence that comes from a relatively small cosmetic procedure. Botulinum toxin, widely recognised as "Botox"...
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2887 Hits

Spring Summer Newsletter 2019

Facial Aesthetics at York Place Dental Lines and wrinkles can develop as a result of environmental damage and as a natural side effect of ageing. Wrinkle reduction injectables are a popular treatment and help to soften frown lines, crow's feet and forehead wrinkles. Botox is the most researched and widely used cosmetic treatment available. It is ve...
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2959 Hits

Root canal treatment

​Root canal therapy Root canal therapy, or endodontics, is the treatment to remove an infection, and often the damaged nerve, deep inside the root of a tooth. It's a painless modern treatment to save teeth that would otherwise have to be taken out, allowing you to keep your own teeth for a lifetime. At York Place Dental in Carlisle, we provide qual...
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6584 Hits

Living with Invisalign, Ruth's story

Living with Invisalign
If you don't have a crooked smile it's difficult to understand how much it can affect your confidence. You soon learn how to smile without actually opening your mouth and come to the conclusion that perhaps this is how it will be forever. It doesn't have to be.  There are a lot of straightening treatments out there and available for patients o...
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2238 Hits

Autumn Winter Newsletter 2018

Introducing Joanna  Joanna joined our fantastic team at YPD in October and we'd like to introduce her to you.She grew up in southern Poland and graduated from Wroclaw Medical University in 1998. Joanna completed her VT training in Wroclaw and worked in Dental Practices in Poland for 5 years before moving to the UK. She moved to Cumbria in 2005...
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2555 Hits

Gum Disease & Heart Disease. What is the link?

It has been said that the mouth is a reflection on a person's overall health, so what does it say about their heart health? Changes in lifestyle over recent years has seen people consume a higher fat diet & lead a more sedentary way of life.This in combination with other modifiable risk factors; smoking, high cholesterol, high blood pressure &a...
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2378 Hits

Our Focus on Prevention

OHE (Oral Health Education) Here at York Place Dental we offer patients OHE appointments which are built in to our care plans. This enables us to provide patients with preventative, tailored advice to help restore or stabilise and prevent any dental issues from arising. We focus on prevention and in doing so we educate our patients, helping them to...
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  3025 Hits
3025 Hits

Cosmetic Bonding

One of the joys of the 30 years that I have been in dentistry has been the improvement in techniques and the advance of the technology that we have got available to us.We can now fix people's teeth and make things healthier in a far more effective and measured fashion, and there is no doubt that to be able to achieve the same results, we do not hav...
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1135 Hits

Herpes Simplex (Cold Sores)

Herpes-Simplex & Dental Treatment
Herpes Simplex and Dental Treatment As many of you are aware cold sores are caused by the Herpes simplex virus (in particular - HSV1) They are highly contagious and tend to predominantly affect the mouth and surrounding areas. HSV1 can be acquired in childhood and adulthood and once you have contracted the virus it remains with you throughout the r...
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9987 Hits

Summer Newsletter

What's happening at York Place Dental?    Download PDF File Here
  2211 Hits
2211 Hits

Smile Design

Smile Design Before & After
What's in a smile? When we look at a person, there are key features that we focus our attention on, and the teeth and the smile are up there with the things that people see and the things that people remember. But what is it that makes a smile look good? It is difficult, because beauty is in the eye of the beholder, and different things appeal to d...
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  4016 Hits
4016 Hits

What is a Dental Therapist?

 What is a Dental Therapist and what do they do? Many of you may ask yourselves what is a Dental Therapist and where do they fit into the dental team? So firstly let's briefly look back and find out about when and how Dental Therapists became an integral part of the dental team……. The Dental Therapy role originally immerged from New Zealand in...
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3634 Hits

Are You Mouthaware?

 York Place Dental| PRESS RELEASE BE MOUTHAWARE: 45 SECONDS COULD SAVE YOUR LIFE Are you able to recognise the changes in your mouth? That's the question posed by York Place Dental as we support a charity campaign to raise awareness of mouth cancer. Our dental practice, based on Upperby Road, is urging Cumbria's residents to be more Mouth...
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  2728 Hits
2728 Hits

Rachel's Top Tips for a Healthy Mouth (The Effects of Sugary Drinks on Oral Health)

How safe are the drinks your children are consuming for their teeth? Oral Health Advice By Rachel Maxwell (Dental Hygiene Therapist at York Place Dental) - 9th October 2017 On today's market there are an abundance of beverages available for your child to consume. As the latest oral health science research demonstrates time and again, ...
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3194 Hits

How Smoking Can Affect Your Oral Health

​Most people are now aware that smoking is bad for their health. It can cause many different medical problems and, in some cases, fatal diseases. However, many people don't realise the damage that smoking does to their mouth, gums and teeth. Smoking can lead to tooth staining, gum disease, tooth loss, and in more severe cases mouth cancer. Stained ...
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4452 Hits

New term, new start

It's well and truly September and the season is changing rapidly here in Cumbria. Summer has moved into autumn, the leaves are changing colour and the kids are back in school. Those who don't need to holiday in July and August are heading off for a bit of late summer warmth. We've also seen changes here at YPD, and tho...
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3035 Hits

Introducing our new dentist

I'm delighted to introduce our newest team member, Miss Daniela Vargas, BDS. Daniela joined the team at York Place dental today and we've had a ball.Daniela VargasThose of you who know us well will be aware that I've been pushing myself hard over the...
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3731 Hits

Thank You To A Good Friend

If you are a YPD regular, you'll know Louise Syrett. She's been a rock in our nursing team for a couple of years. Her multicoloured hair, big smile, cake baking and nursing skills have kept both the team and our patients happy and entertained for two...
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  2219 Hits
2219 Hits

Our new website is live!

Announcenent!The launch of the all-new York Place Dental website marks a new chapter for the practice. .Don’t worry, we’re staying true to the ethos our patients know and trust. We are as committed as ever to helping patients smile with confidence, a...
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  2077 Hits
2077 Hits

Staying Ahead Of The Game

Richard and Andy were last spotted this morning heading south to the NEC for one of the biggest events in the dental calendar - The Dentistry Show. Live dentistry, trade stands, international speakers and several thousand people mixing it up under on...
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2204 Hits
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