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Prevention Is Better Than A Cure

So, it's the end of a busy young people's Day at YPD in the quiet bit of January, when most people are still trying not to get back into the swing of things....

healthy people with healthy teeth from an earlier age become happier adults
Together with my team we've been working with the adults of tomorrow, today. As I sit here thinking about how it went, it strikes me that things have changed so much since I was a kid, (although I had a brilliant dentist who made my dental upbringing so easy...) and that what we do now influences this generation for the rest of their lives. This matters hugely, as we spend the rest of our time treating diseases that can, with good teamwork, be prevented.

Treating Children As Tomorrow's Adults

When I took over the running of York Place, we deliberately decided to give our junior clients their own dedicated days, in the school holidays, where adults are very nearly banned...so that we can deliver the right sort of care for a very special group of people in the right environment for them.  Kids don't tick the same as us, and we try to build the sort of relationships and use the right communication skills to win the child's trust. The truth is you have to think like a kid would.
  • We use simple language.
  • We have bright, modern surroundings, Lovefilm on the ceiling and no dental smells.
  • We prefer to talk with the child, not about the child.
  • We aim to prevent rather than wait for the horse to bolt.
  • We try to praise rather than undermine.
As a result we place fewer fillings, carry out less gum treatment, take fewer teeth out. The child is always more likely to want to come back for us to check how things are going....I've spent over 20 years learning over and over that way too much of what is done in dental practices could have been prevented if only someone had intervened in the right manner at an earlier stage.

The Benefits of Early Dental Intervention & Education?

  • Fewer petrified patients.
  • Less decay, fewer fillings, fewer gaps.
  • A nation with fresher breath ;0)
  • Fewer Austin Powers smiles.
  • Less advanced tooth wear (the 21st centuries growing big dental issue...)
  • It'll cost you less :-)
  • Less time at the dentist instead of the golf course or Tesco during your retirement.
  • Demonstrably less coronary artery heart disease, strokes and underweight babies.
Theres more, but I'm sure the point is made...So, when people ask me how today went, I say brilliant! I love seeing young patients change and grow, young mouths getting healthier,  kids eyes lighting up when they're told "you're healthy" and receive the treasured sticker.Me? I love the fact that I get to watch a bit of a movie as we work, to laugh at Hacker T Dog, to goof around with the toddlers and remind myself what it is like to be young in a happy, lively environment.Prevention, always :-)Richard HellenIf you'd like to know more, or if you have a comment to make on what I've said, please write in the box below or contact us directly .
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